Writing & Ideation Services
Dear Authors,
Seize the καιρός of the day as the Greeks suggested koiros to be the right moment.
To invigorate your fiction & non-fiction books, we offer a range of mind gyrating services:
Improvised Storyline with–
maverick perspectives
eclectic thoughts
chip in hairpin twists and twirls
entwine scientific concepts
Research of esoteric facts for both fiction and non-fiction books.
Writing services –
illustration concepts
We bring in polymathic foray cutting across diverse cultures and scientific climes to churn out different perspectives and scenarios that set apart your books to perceive beyond the apparent thereby a fifth dimension emerges in your fiction. New perceptive patterns emerge to streak across mindfulness. We render credibility to all that scientific mumbo jumbo to believe the improbable fantasies. Scientific paradoxes and mathematical models conjure up revelations for readers. We’re teeming with stashed away nuggets of history to instill the veracity of the narrative.
Nonfiction books need a seminal orientation with incisive infographics and regaling memes. The illustrations must analyse and put together ideas in a crisp way with witty analogies that a reader can relate to. Such inclusions can make a groundswell in readership.
We can improvise your books with subtle inputs and cast nuances to make a stupendous difference. However at times there might not be much to chip in or it would be unjust to dope the Silicon chip. We are candid to inform you about the scope of further expansion and maverick orientation.
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