The book verily ushers its readers into ‘joyous awareness’ once they are able to fish out the requisite energy to ‘align with the infinite’. It’s easier done with reading Ken’s ‘Aligning with Universal Consciousness as part of Quantum Energetics’.  







Author: Kenneth Schmitt




Is consciousness limited to living beings alone? The light around us is composed of photons, a fundamental quantum entity, considered non-living in the common parlance. The book starts on this seminal note of consciousness of light not limited to biological wakefulness. The classic Young’s double and single slit experiments are cited to establish the pervasive paradigm of consciousness in the so-called inanimate entities as well. Kenneth Schmitt in his book extends photons onto biophotons to call the order in cell to cell communication to exemplify the ‘empirical realm’ to establish ‘physical body as a fractal of the eternal One’.


The resonant frequency of humanity is being blasted with plasma gamma ray photons leading to the ‘shift of the Gaia’.  And Ken lets out his weltanschauung in a section called – ‘Why are we on this planet? There is a glimmer of hope – ‘Humanity is going through a great awakening, in which our minds calm down…’. Consciousness is much hyped these days, buzzing around flea markets and enrapturing writers to make it their leitmotif. However, this book tones down this hyperbolic consciousness as a certain prudent way of life, a certain prescience that sets the much ordained order of existence. This way of life converges with multitude of human habits and tendencies like one’s eating habits and listening to music that shapes one’s perceptions. Kenneth Schmitt tries to narrow down this distortion of existence. And the existence manifests in energy levels that precisely is the quantum paradigm to speak in terms of modern evolving science.

 ‘Quantum Energetics and Spirituality’ has ten chapters with separate titled sections for clarity. The book has no scientific jargons to remain incorrigible to anyone uninitiated in formal science. And also there is no mumbo-jumbo of metaphysical turbidity to inhibit a reader from ‘aligning with universal consciousnesses’.

The ‘Multi-dimensional’ aspect of humans and its entanglement with ‘emotional blocks’ is one prime challenge that is dealt in a smart way. In the chapter, ‘Zero-Point Awareness’, there is point to point guidance for one to surmount mundane debacles. Should one call it a panacea to all suffering? As such humans are brimming with ‘heart energy’. Ken Schmitt tells his readers how it can be invested in consciousness, a surefire success! Readers come across their day to day problems and dead-end situations that can be surmounted with panache. How to tackle the negative aspects in life? People who cheat us have to be countered vehemently, goes the usual way. But we miss out a ‘subtle feeling’, that holds key to such impasse. Again there may be the ‘karmic blowback’ haunting us. There is threadbare analysis on the basis of quantum energy to resolve them on their own. The way ‘heart energy’ flows decides the next sequence and ultimately the ‘physical presence’ gets materialized on its basis. One gets to know the tack to face situations like ‘How to love and not be assaulted’, ‘Suicide and what it’s about, ‘How do we know what’s real? etc.’    

The rigmarole of electromagnetic energy is all what drives consciousness and photons are symptomatic of quantum consciousness. And so, ‘This is a realm where there is no significant dark force’. The author induces readers into quantum experiences of conscious outcome calling it – ‘plasmatic field of infinite potentialities’ that bears the imprint of ‘energy signature’.

There is sarcasm and humour too. Please bear with the author when he calls the erstwhile state of earth to be a ‘slave planet’, for treading upon ‘the dark path’. There’s a rationale behind it, as to what is natural for humans and what is the unnatural outcome due to ‘the dark masters’. The book follows a spanking trajectory with no fuzziness for readers to comprehend. The implicit consciousness gets explicit exposition convincing enough for every discerning reader to leap into the expanding mores of consciousness.


The chapter ‘Living truth in a world of illusion’ instills the imperative profundity of consciousness as a pervasive entity. The author offers a sort of handholding on a personal note, such as, ‘From personal experience I can say that human consciousness is greatly expansive…once we eliminate all our self-imposed limitations’. Such assurance from the writer goes a long way to relieve and convince the readers for consciousness to happen certainly.


There is a seamless catechism that is intriguing to keep a reader chugging ahead. The book verily ushers its readers into ‘joyous awareness’ once they are able to fish out the requisite energy to ‘align with the infinite’. It’s easier done with reading Ken’s ‘Aligning with Universal Consciousness as part of Quantum Energetics’.  


It’s natural for readers to wonder as to how Kenneth Schmitt acquired his consciousness. How this author did have all this spiritual thrust? A child thinking to be on a ‘wrong planet’ is an oddball. How can someone when bitten by a Brown Recluse spider experience ‘deeper understanding of what my life here is about’. Some more vicissitudes of life ennobled him further. Ken says, ‘What I knew was nature. That’s where I had always found solace.’ The wilderness is a springboard of spirituality. The hermits know their way.


Kenneth forayed across a huge spectrum right from the Greek concept of Earth to Sanskrit teachings and recourse to yoga at a young age itself. What goaded this author in his teens to get riveted to a yogi’s autobiography? Again, one gets to know anecdotes from the book of Malachi in the Old Testament to reckon one’s innate perfection. Ken’s own rite of passage into Gnothi seuton ushers a path for his readers to follow. If the writer can do it, then every reader feels it an achievable target.


The book is very well graded for anyone to imbibe its esoteric initiation to evoke that, ‘Everything is about to change for the better’. Ken’s clinching consciousness instills, ‘more loving and willing to forgive’ in this first volume in a set of five.


Print length ‏ : ‎ 236 pages